INFO: Session Guide

The housing developers have more to worry about than the slump in house prices. A tabletop RPG campaign set in 2008 East Midlands. CJ Carella's WitchCraft (Eden Studios)

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INFO: Session Guide

Post by nemarsde »

Here is a listing of the game sessions played in SND, along with a synopsis of what occurred in that game session.
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Listing (by in-game day)

Post by nemarsde »

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4, Part 1
Day 4, Part 2
Day 5
Day 6, Part 1
Day 6, Part 2
Day 7, Part 1
Day 7, Part 2
Day 8
Day 9, Part 1
Day 9, Part 2/Day 10

The first session of SND started on Sunday, 24 February 2008, the same date as in-game.

Each session was intended to span one day in-game. The two-parters were unplanned, caused by shortening the planned session due to unforeseen circumstances irl.
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Day 1

Post by nemarsde »

Sunday, 24 February 2008
  • Lillian's 39th Birthday Party.
    • The Perfumed Lasagna Affair.
  • Mikey dislocates his finger.
  • Elsie gets the trots
  • Leanne sees the red-haired man on the street corner.
  • Charlie falls out with Freddy, they have an argument, make up, and end up in bed together.
  • Chesca gets first email from Kimble Bessie, pointing to Victoria Perry, local councillor.
  • Power cut for 30 mins.
  • Oshan sees something pale and child-like in her garden.
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Day 2

Post by nemarsde »

Monday, 25 February 2008
  • Ken and Freddy find garden ornament in Oshan's garden. Statuette of Victorian child with rake.
  • Leanne rescues Wei-Ling's scarf from up a tree during photography class.
  • Leanne and Chesca have lunch at Joules. Busker girl sings Everybody Knows. Chesca beats rude, arrogant Bohemian at chess with Fool's Mate.
  • Oshan buys two border collie pups from Old.
  • Chesca hacks into Kettering Borough Council, finds email conversation between Victoria Perry and Philip Hollobone MP about strategic training exercise involving Skynet and Mawsley Wood.
  • Oshan followed home by red-haired man whistling Fear of the Dark.
  • Pulsing light from Mawsley Wood.
  • Cheetah hisses at Lillian's empty wheelchair.
  • Ken hits someone or something on the top road.
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Day 3

Post by nemarsde »

Tuesday, 26 February 2008
  • An albinistic farrow deer, hit by Ken's black cab. Ken calls police, put in touch with wildlife vet but deer dies. Conway's Corsa bombs passed. Ken drags it into a ditch.
  • Police pull up at Ken's to examine his cab. Witnesses say he struck a pedestrian at Kettering Leisure Village last night and failed to stop.
    • Ken takes police to ditch to show them deer carcass. All that's left is offal. Police are satisfied.
  • Leanne returns scarf, finds statuette of Lu, Chinese god of prosperity, in her pigeon-hole.
  • Leanne and Chesca have tea with busker girl on her narrowboat at the wharf. Alice is a gypsy, her nan's a fortune-teller. Nan reads Chesca's fortune with crystal ball and throws a fit, ranting about "the darkness".
  • Oshan's session with Colette Harding, unnaturally quiet girl. She plays All Along the Watchtower on the hi-fi. "I remember this one."
  • Chinook flies over Mawsley.
  • Chesca shows Oshan recent photo of Tony, her ex, and warns her off.
  • Ken picks up Bobby from Venture Park, Conway threatens to knife Bobby. Ken breaks his nose.
  • Oshan reviews Colette session video. Someone was standing at the patio doors!
  • Leanne wakes and sees Chthonian-like entities in the sky.
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Day 4, Part 1

Post by nemarsde »

Wednesday, 27 February 2008
  • It's actually Charlie dreaming of Leanne seeing the creatures. Leanne tells her she's going to die.
  • Red-haired man walks off with Oshan's dog, while Charlie and Leanne accost Tony coming over Oshan's fence. He attacks with knife (possibly Oshan's missing kitchen knife) and flees.
  • Police are called but they're busy with earthquake.
  • Nikos takes Chesca and Freddy to hunt for dinosaur he saw in the woods. They find one or two unusual tracks they can't identify.
  • After some drama it's discovered Charlie is two months pregnant.
  • Bobby sees the red-haired man on the street. Gestures that he's watching Bobby. Bobby insists on going with Ken to pick up Bob Littler from Kettering. Hypnotised on the radio.
  • Oshan hypnotises Charlie. Charlie sees the red-haired man.
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Day 4, Part 2

Post by nemarsde »

Wednesday, 27 February 2008
  • Charlie is fixating on red-haired man and hallucinating. Possible side-effect of narcotic substance smoked yesterday around Jarvis's. She has a panic attack as Oshan wakes her from trance.
  • Leanne runs to fetch Matt. Gets KO'd and kidnapped as she's exiting the front door.
  • Power cut.
  • Ken and Bobby are ambushed by rampaging mob under railway bridge, after picking up Bob Littler. Black cab's rammed off the road. Mob kills Bob. Ken and Bobby rescued by Jarvis in Porsche Cayenne.
  • Chesca notices email from Kimble Bessie on her laptop. Filtered into her Junk folder. Dated yesterday. "Sentinel are watching. Get out now."
  • Tony holds Leanne captive in a kitchen. Tortures her. Oshan is a sadist and he's playing with her toys.
  • Matt goes to surgery. Chesca goes home. Sees stranger/cyclist entering her front door. Chesca follows, he's violent. Chesca's being strangled on kitchen floor when Lillian joins the fray. Cyclist pins Lillian, bangs her head against the floor, kitchen drawer explodes. Cyclist is killed by shrapnel/cutlery.
  • Matt calls police from surgery. Police say there are riots.
  • Oshan meets Matt on the street. They meet the red-haired man. He gestures for them to turn around. They meet Mikey and later realise a mob had gathered where they had been heading.
  • Leanne activates Mikey's TracMe beacon. Charlie and Freddy home in. A stranger breaks into kitchen and attacks Tony. Charlie and Freddy grab Leanne while he's distracted and run for it.
  • Mobile phone signals lost.
  • A black sun rises. 12:00. AM or PM?
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Day 5

Post by nemarsde »

Thursday, 28 February 2008
  • Midnight. The black sun can only be seen by passive nightvision.
  • Charlie is four months pregnant. Troubled night. Matt sedates her.
  • Torrential rain at dawn. Power still out. No land-line, gas or water.
  • Most Stoneyfields residents go work as usual.
  • Oshan, Ken and Bobby take Charlie's Punto for a scout around.
    • Medical Centre and Community Centre broken into, some houses too. Dead body outside Mawsley Medical Centre with backpack full of first aid supplies.
    • No traffic on roads. Wreckage of civilian helicopter seen in field. No wildlife, all sheep in the fields are dead.
    • Kettering deserted, abandoned cars on street. No life at hospital or police station. Keys found in an abandoned Citroen, they take it.
    • Ram-raid Tesco at Kettering Venture Park, loot supplies.
    • Return to hospital to borrow an ambulance. Crazy woman lurks in shadows of A&E. Crazy man in back of ambulance attacks them, before collapsing in a seizure.
  • Darren wakes up, attacks Matt with hardback. Chesca and Leanne tackle him. Freddy wakes up, floors Darren but gets KO'd.
    • Do not stand near Leanne when she's swinging a brass lamp-stand.
    Leanne runs into en-suite, grabs air freshener spray, sprays Darren. Mikey grapples Darren, Chesca catches Darren in knee with lamp-stand, then in the head. Coup d'grace to the temple.
  • TV in lounge comes on, playing Kerrang channel. "In the woods" is written on Teletext.
  • Lillian, Eric and Mikey go to search for Amy in Lexus, Stuart and Gwen go in their car. Amy went for petrol and shopping that morning, never came back. Her RAV4's found at Esso Station on A14 with note that she was walking home. Eric takes Citroen, goes back out to find her. Getting dark.
  • Guy and Paula refuse to come stay at Blossom House. Guy's drunk.
  • Rains stops after nightfall.
  • Baby starts crying at No. 14, the mob attacks. Passive nightvision shows a black flame escaping from some of their joints.
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Day 6, Part 1

Post by nemarsde »

Friday, 29 February 2008
  • Guy opens door and threatens mob with baseball bat, they kill him, rampage through No. 14. Baby Brendon thrown from upstairs window onto pavement.
    • Paula escapes, fleeing across the road to Blossom House, chased by fringes of mob. One gets in, chaos (Bobby may have accidentally cut Leanne's cheek with his knife).
    • Mob swarms outside Blossom House. Jarvis drives out in Porsche Cayenne, rams the mob, storms out, capping off with pistol.
    • Survivors flee out backdoor of Blossom House, Oshan is attacked by crazy -- crazy explodes.
    • Jarvis sees Paula is bitten, shoots her in the head thinking she'll become a zombie.
    • Bobby shits himself, gets stuck in toilet without paper. Has to use his Queens of the Stone Age t-shirt.
  • Survivors drive to Esso Station on A14, camp there overnight, looting the shop for supplies. At first light they'll look for Eric and Amy.
  • Charlie is in agony -- eight months pregnant? Kept sedated.
  • Jarvis argues with survivors, convinced it's a zombie apocalypse. He decides to head north to Lake District and leaves.
  • The Citroen Eric took is found parked up at bottom of Mawsley Lane, near footpath to Mawsley Wood. Oshan, Ken, Elsie, Leanne, Chesca, Bobby, Mikey and Nikos take the footpath on foot.
  • Charlie's placenta ruptures. The baby is growing! Matt must perform emergency Caesarian.
  • Elsie gets shot approaching Mawsley Wood, respiratory arrest, resuscitated by Oshan. A sniper in ghillie suit with Arctic Warfare sniper rifle appears up the hill.
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Day 6, Part 2

Post by nemarsde »

Friday, 29 February 2008
  • Sniper is British Special Forces, L/Cpl Seru, a Fijian, on Sentinel training exercise, testing the Skynet 5b satellite. He shot at the survivors, thinking they were crazies infected by some disease. Ken and Oshan convince him they're safe. He takes them back to Sentinel camp in Mawsley Wood.
  • Tractor appears behind ambulance. It's Carl the (Mawsley) milkman. He invites them back to his farmhouse in nearby Loddington, where he has a diesel generator. They go with him.
  • Matt performs Caesarian section, Charlie goes into cardiac arrest, dies and resuscitated. Goes into shock, recovers. Baby Lucy is born.
  • Survivors meet at Blossom House to survey carnage, leaving Charlie and Leanne with Carl. Bodies have rashes at joints and skin tumours.
  • While Carl is out, Leanne finds Amy upstairs, tied naked, spread-eagled to the bedposts. Frees her, slips downstairs and tells Charlie. Together they attack Carl when he's not looking. Kill him.
    • From Carl's journal it seems his parents had gone crazy early on Thursday, attacked him. Ran his dad over with the tractor and trapped his mum in the cellar.
    • Thursday noon he rescued Amy from crazies in Loddington, took her home to calm her down. Later he found Eric looking for Amy, invited him in, made them dinner. Poisoned Eric, subdued Amy, tied her up and raped her.
    • His idea was that the end of the world had come. Not a Biblical apocalypse, but a Darwinian one. He had been selected by Nature, immune to the disease, and had to repopulate the Earth with immune descendants. Well-worn I Am Legend paperback found with journal.
  • Bobby turns on a light to get a drink. The red-haired man appears from thin air, standing above Charlie, carrying a bundle.
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Day 7, Part 1

Post by nemarsde »

Saturday, 1 March 2008
  • The red-haired man leaves clothes for Lucy, who is now a toddler. Those getting close are repelled by supernatural force. Skin crawling. Charlie's injured by it.
  • Some crazies climb over badger fence from Mawsley and make for the barn, getting lost in the darkness. One gets too close, Seru and Ken ambush and kill him.
  • Other crazies are caught in the field at sunrise. They collapse in fits.
  • Ken, Bobby, and Oshan investigate dead bodies in field, with Chesca taking photo evidence.
    • The crazies have been soiling themselves and not attending to their hygiene.
    • They have rashes at their joints and base of neck.
    • They have skin tumours.
  • Freddy and Oshan take Freelander to A14 to mark the "barrier". It's closer, unstable, part of it avalanches inwards, destroying what it touches. Driving south they find the other side of the barrier has reached Old and Lamport.
  • Matt takes Mikey and Bobby to retrieve body from field and perform autopsy.
    • Subject hadn't eaten for days and was dehydrated, but may have been taking on some fluid.
    • Body shows all the symptoms of "outgassing" from tissues and fluids, similar to grade 2 decompression sickness.
    • Cancerous tumours also found in brain.
    • Cause of death: build up of unidentified, possibly poisonous gas bubbles, possibly ozone, in brain, spinal cord and lungs leading to brain swelling and heart attack. Sunlight appears to be a catalyst.
    • Bobby gets faint when Matt opens chest cavity, leaves. He is a "warrior-poet" and can't watch such butchery.
  • Army helicopter doesn't arrive to pick up Seru.
  • Ken, Seru, Chesca and Leanne take the Freelander to Harrington Airfield where Paradigm tech support are based in underground control room of old nuclear missile launch site. Where Seru's unit headed on Thursday.
    • They find short man in control room trying to hang himself and two dead Paradigm techies.
    • Short man is saved in the nick of time, only gives his first name, Daniel, civil servant with the Ministry of Defence, overseeing the Sentinel exercise. Leanne and Chesca grill him.
    • When Daniel, Cpl Nicholson and Sgt Lee entered the control room, the Paradigm techies jumped them. Lee was struck in the head with fire extinguisher. Nicholson killed one, incapacitated the other. Nicholson decided to take Lee to Kettering General in the Defender parked nearby, executed the remaining techie before he left. Never came back.
    • Daniel assumed he was the last sane human left alive and tried to kill himself. Now he agrees to return with the survivors to the barn.
    • Leanne and Chesca take all the laptops and portable hard drives.
  • Freddy, Mikey and Nikos head into the woods to salvage what they can from the Sentinel camp.
    • They find military-spec surveillance equipment; rugged tablet PC, radios, optics, satellite uplink, etc.
    • Army Pinzgauer ATV is fitted with an LPG generator and supercapacitors, for connection to the 2 million lumen LED light panel.
    • A man-portable, real-time cueing hyperspectral enhanced imager (hereafter "The Instrument") with battery pack and tripod built by EADS Astrium.
  • Jarvis pulls up at barn in Amy's RAV4. He'd encountered the barrier before he made it to M1, spent rest of day trying to find way through then returned to Mawsley. Stuart told him rest of survivors were at the barn. He heard Kaja screaming about wanting to go home to Poland.
  • When survivors are gathered, Daniel explains (after being bullied by Chesca, Leanne, and threatened by Jarvis) about the Coca-Cola bottle and the blanket and the red-haired man. [Insert anime-style exposition which may or may not be bullshit.]
  • Matt notices Charlie is looking aged.
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Day 7, Part 2

Post by nemarsde »

Saturday, 1 March 2008
  • 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
  • Charlie looks mid-thirties? She wakes up, Matt decides to dry her out, she has some crazy-time, upsets Leanne, take Lucy off Chesca.
  • Daniel goes missing having prised open sheet metal at back of barn.
  • Ken goes to bring the Pinzgauer around to the barn for Chesca, hooks up with Oshan and Leanne who're going to find Mikey, and Jarvis who wants to see the camp for himself. (Mikey had gone to use the camp's thunderbox.)
  • Mikey found throttled unconscious next to thunderbox, trousers round his ankles. While Ken and Leanne are searching around, Daniel sneaks up behind Jarvis, KO's him, aikido-throws Oshan, takes Jarvis's pistol and steals Pinzgauer. Ken discovers an underground rack mount that's been unearthed in the camp, computer system taken by Daniel.
  • Groggy, limping Jarvis takes shotgun and RAV4 from barn, bombs off after Daniel. Doesn't find him and comes back in a rage.
  • Chesca has Nikos charging her equipment with dynamo, connects Paradigm portable HDDs to the Instrument's battery pack using cowboy electrician skillz.
  • Tony comes on radio, threatens Oshan.
  • After sunset. Ding! Chesca's comp finishes cracking the Paradigm HDDs.
  • No. 7 Stoneyfields firebombed. Ken and Oshan go to the rescue, thinking Tony's started it and might show his face if he sees Oshan.
    • Stuart, Gwen and Reece make it to badger fence. Kaja won't come out, too scared. Ken rushes into house to get her, while mob of "simulcra" forms outside.
    • Stuart and Gwen attacked in ditch after climbing over badger fence. Reece cries, terrified.
    • Ken escapes with Kaja out back window, over kitchen roof, into garden, across yard and to his house. Kaja sprains her ankle. Ken grabs warmer clothes for her, they make a break for the field via Cransley Rise.
    • Tony appears in ditch with bloody hatchet and Stuart's searchlight, Oshan paralysed with fear. Back in the ditch, mob jumps on Reece.
    • Tony at first wants to get back with Oshan, believing he can play her game. Always games and competition to him. .338 Lapua Magnum convinces him otherwise.
    • Chesca ID's Tony with her digital zoom, passes on fire command to Seru. Seru shoots Tony low in the back, then in the head.
    Ken, Kaja and Oshan make it back to barn OK.
  • Seru has 2 rounds left.
  • Later, Chesca's reviewing Sentinel NV surveillance of Stoneyfields, night of 25 Feb. Red-haired man (not red-haired in black & white) is outside Oshan's living room window. Front door to No. 9 opens, Elsie beckons to red-haired man. He enters passed her, she closes door behind him.
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Day 8

Post by nemarsde »

Sunday, 2 March 2008
  • Lucy appears to be about 8 years old.
  • Dawn. Women head off to Sentinel camp latrines, taking Charlie, find Jarvis and Bobby talking, looking shifty (could be natural state).
  • Hayes Family confront Elsie. She belongs to a secret society called the Rosicrucians, interested in arcana. Some members suggested there might be an event in Mawsley, and were aware that Sentinel were monitoring the site. Elsie volunteered to setup field study in Mawsley, since her husband had died and family lived in England.
    • Elsie calls red-haired man Tarquin, after Sextus Tarquinius, legendary rapist of Lucretia. Harks back to comment by 19th Century Rosicrucian scholar that perhaps the red-haired man is cursed for some heinous crime, a la Rape of Lucretia. (Sextus Tarquinius being an infamous red-haired man.) One of Elsie's contemporaries remarked that a more appropriate name might be Mohammed (referring to 9/11 and Mohammed having red hair).
    • Sentinel's core is composed of wealthy and influential people from from a variety of religious and educational backgrounds, with a common Pan-Deistic philosophy. Sentinel recruits agents from intelligence services and academia, Atheists only, who're taught Pan-Deism is compatible with science, and therefore Sentinel's mission is a scientific as well as humanistic endeavour. They do not believe, they know, therefore the motive for what they do is irrefutable.
    • Sentinel's mission is to safeguard Creation. As a society they work towards moderating potentially dangerous scientific research, raising awareness of potential global catastrophes, supporting global defence initiatives and investigating paranormal.
    • Elsie invited the red-haired man in because he was bothering Oshan. He never speaks or is known to have spoken. He often appears before earthquakes or eruptions in areas of geomantic significance. Elsie doesn't know what he's up to. He didn't want a cup of tea.
    Hayes Family keep this to themselves.
  • Jarvis and Bobby meet up with Ken and Seru back at barn, drive to Harrington Airfield to salvage light-panel trailer and Pinzgauer.
    • Ken finds prototype IBM laptop in underground control room, takes it. Appears similar form factor to a 1983 Gavilan SC, but designed to be rack-mounted. It's the only sign of Daniel.
    • They hitch trailer to Freelander, taking it and Pinzgauer (key's left in ignition).
    • On C31, the barrier avalanches across road. Ken and Bobby in Pinzgauer swerve off-road, warn others over the radio.
  • At the barn, survivors scramble into RAV4, Lexus RX and ambulance. Horses scream at Mawsley Wood Farm as barrier collapses. Survivors have to drive across fields, down to Stoneyfields, stopping at badger fence.
  • Ken and Bobby speed around back of Mawsley Wood, then through farm access and across fields from the north-west. RV with others at Stoneyfields.
  • Return to Blossom House. Corpses are piled out back. Downstairs doors and windows fortified. Ken works on creating barricade of cars at top of street.
  • Chesca and Seru notice Tony's body has disappeared.
  • Oshan finds puppies dead in kitchen waste-bin, necks broken. Lawrence Sisters' house has been methodically searched.
  • Seru and Jarvis reappear in Freelander, with light-panel in tow. They had turned off C31 into Mawsley Wood, like Ken, but had driven to Sentinel camp and retrieved the light-panel. They thought they were cut-off, but found a way around the barrier back onto C31 and entered Mawsley via rear entrance. This couldn't have been possible unless isolated areas were collapsing separate from the barrier, creating pockets of destruction. Jarvis and Seru help Ken with barricade.
  • Oshan finds out about Elsie and Rosicrucians by accident.
  • Elsie speaks earnestly in private with Freddy.
  • Sun goes down. Charlie has a dream that her and Lucy are looking at her gran's horse-brasses, then having a picnic by a bridge, then in darkness under the trees. Charlie and Lucy become one and are murdered by the red-haired man. Charlie wakes up, disturbed.
  • Survivors tool up, setting out weapons. Chesca digs out Matt's old Zulu assegai or iklwa. Mikey gives Leanne his spare body armour. Freddy replaces lead bird-shot in shotgun shells with flat head screws at Lillian's direction.
  • Bobby tries to seduce Oshan. Fails.
  • Bobby tries to seduce Leanne. Fails. Mikey does better.
  • Chesca works on laptop Ken retrieved, which appears to contain an Ellison Device?? Involves Germanium amplifier and ion beam. A communicator? Last transmission to Daniel was "Rgr. Exterm child."
  • Ken switches lights on cars in barricade, uses remote locking to attract crazies. Mob forms too early, they destroy the lights on the cars and disperse.
  • Freddy reads books retrieved from Elsie's place, experiments with the Instrument.
  • Later Bobby visits Chesca, waking her up, she's lying in bed gripping assegai, "Wrong room". Chesca realises she fell asleep at keyboard. Must have pressed connect. She hears modem speaker dialling.
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Day 9, Part 1

Post by nemarsde »

Monday, 3 March 2008
  • Scream from the girl's room. Lucy is found in the shower, now about 16 years old and menstruating. She's settled down.
  • Charlie is on death's door, suffering massive organ failure. Matt breaks the news but has an idea to transfuse blood from Lucy, since she must be regenerating at massively accelerated rate.
  • Chesca regains consciousness, slumped in bed having had heavy nose-bleed. Ellison Device has powered down.
  • Leanne reads Andreas Dannevang's The Universe in Superimposition, Volume Two: Interference Patterns, one of Elsie's books Freddy had been reading.
    • Andreas Dannevang was Rosicrucian scholar, researching astral-travel and the composition of reality.
    • Dannevang's experiences suggest that higher planes are more harmonic, Heavenly, lower planes are more discordant, Hellish.
    • At higher/lower planes, there appears to be lensing effect that alters space-time from a universal perspective.
    • There appear to be some common types of astral being, or beings encountered by multiple astral travellers, these are even referenced in the astral travellers' vernacular. e.g., Astral parasites.
    • Astral travelling experiences are hugely unreliable as they're interpreted through the subconscious. Dannevang theorised about the possibility of physically travelling to other planes of existence.
    Freddy explains this to Leanne, Oshan falls asleep again.
  • After a violent reaction to Lucy's blood, Charlie stabilises.
  • Chesca reveals the Ellison Device to Elsie. The vestiges of a plan. If they can find an antenna, a Faraday cage and a tungsten contact plate for the Ellison Device a channel could be opened with the Rosicrucians at CERN, allowing a few people to pass through.
  • The phone mast at Harrington is probably inaccessible, but the Mawsley mast might be intact. The top platform of the mast should be enclosed enough to be protected by a suitable Faraday shield. It's small though. Room for approx. three lightly-built people.
  • Even with three, the LHC impeller will probably be burnt out by the experiment, more resistance in the channel (more people in the Faraday cage) increases the chance of failure.
  • Survivors meeting in dining room. Generally agreed that three youngsters should go. Jarvis flatly disagrees, he feels he's just as deserving. Arguments.
  • Jarvis tries to convince Seru to join him and take charge of the situation. Seru doesn't want to take sides.
  • Dining room. The Instrument is used on the survivors, trying to detect if it was any of them that disrupted the shadow matter flow. Composite of several bandwidths detects shadowy, distorted figures standing around Lillian.
    • Elsie says they're spirits, probably spirits of the dead attracted to Lillian during her closeness with death and subsequent psychological illness. Spirits are just non-recycled waste, apparently.
    • Lillian must be a battery of essence (the Aristotelian substance of definition) which could serve as a beacon on the other side of the barrier. They might be found.
    • Essence also attracts and cancels taint (antithesis of essence). As the barrier has been collapsing, some taint from the "simulcrum" will have escaped through the barrier, some will have been cancelled, some will converge within what's left of the survivors' world. Enough taint could syphon sentience and manifest into a physical entity. Lillian would be like a poisoned sugar cube to such an entity.
    • Lillian admits to being plagued and tormented by poltergeist-like activity since the accident, but simply thought she was going insane before finding a logical explanation (Chesca).
  • Mikey goes upstairs to check whether the Mawsley mast is still there. Comes scrambling back down, there's a man standing at the back gate!
  • Seru and Chesca rush to upstairs bathroom window, Ken to the kitchen window. NV optics barely work, there's only an all-encompassing pale light on the horizon.
  • Man is standing stock still, skull blown apart. It's Tony! Ken tells everyone to get to the front of the house.
  • Chesca notices Tony is held up by a garden rake. It's a decoy.
  • Leanne peaks out the dining room window, sees Daniel planting two 2-litre cola bottles by the front door. "GET DOWN!"
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Day 9, Part 2/Day 10

Post by nemarsde »

Monday, 3 March 2008
  • Explosion. Blinded and deafened. Front of Blossom House has collapsed. Survivors in dining room recover and hear Daniel talking into a Dictaphone, "As observed, child has grown to adolescence almost overnight. Confirming extermination by removing head."
    • Oshan sees it's Kaja, but shouts that he's killed Lucy. Amy wails, cradling Nikos who's fitting, skull crushed in the collapse.
    • Daniel backs into what's left of the hallway, brandishing Jarvis's pistol. Matt rushes in from the kitchen to check Nikos, Ken close behind with the shotgun. The boy's dead.
    • Jarvis comes downstairs with the sniper rifle, threatening Daniel, the others tell Daniel to just leave.
    • And Daniel is about to, but notices the Andreas Dannevang book in Lillian's room, open on the channelling page. He demands to know what they're planning. Freddy bullshits him so Daniel shoots Charlie in the stomach.
    • Ken gives Daniel both barrels with the shotgun, catching him in the ribs with 12-bore Lillian Special Shot. Daniel returns fire as Oshan throws a chair at him. Ken's hit in the clavicle and drops back, Jarvis pulls the trigger but the rifle clicks empty, so he jumps from the stairs onto Daniel, but knocks himself out against the wall.
    • While Daniel's scrambling on all-fours, Freddy kicks him in the head, grabs the pistol and executes Daniel with a shot behind the ear. Pistol's now empty.
    • Matt and Oshan treat Charlie and Ken, but Charlie's intestine's punctured, a mortal wound. Ken will survive and sits and has a smoke with Bobby. Amy is hysterical, Matt gives her a sedative. Seru is KO'ed in the bathroom (Jarvis?), and later reveals he has the last 2 rounds for the sniper rifle in his pocket.
  • Everyone learns about Charlie. She takes the news calmly but Leanne flies into a rage at Matt, insisting that Lucy is responsible.
  • Charlie talks to Chesca, then Freddy and Leanne privately and a short while later she passes away.
  • Jarvis tries to convince Chesca that he should go to the mast instead of Leanne and Mikey. After Chesca explains what the "teleport" involves, Jarvis decides to work on a Plan B instead.
  • While Chesca and Mikey say their goodbyes, Leanne stabs Lucy through the heart with a kitchen knife. Freddy catches her red-handed and calls for Matt, restraining a hysterical Leanne. Lucy heals miraculously, Leanne tries to get at her again. Mikey tells Leanne to stop, that they must go, that he needs her.
  • Seru alerts everyone that the barrier's nearly at Stoneyfields. Then screams are heard above the roar and something huge starts trying to break through the houses opposite Blossom House.
  • Chesca, Leanne and Mikey leave for the mast, Oshan going along to witness their fate.
    • Out back of Blossom House, up Cransley Rise, staying off the street by climbing a fence by some garages.
    • Bend leading up to Malaslea, crazies attack in the darkness. The survivors jump the badger fence and escape across the field. Whilst struggling through hedgerow on the other side, a crazy attacks Chesca, just a boy her age in pyjamas, she kills him with assegai.
    • They reach the footpath near the dog path, follow it until they have to jump another fence and cross another field.
    • Barrier is only metres away now, part of it cascades inwards, tearing off Oshan's arm at the elbow. Mikey and Leanne drag her to her feet.
    • More hedgerow and across the C31, they finally reach the mast and climb it. Oshan stays on the ground with the assegai.
    • The mast is shaken by turbulence from the barrier, but the Ellison Device is rigged up and activated. Top of the mast glows red hot, platform becomes unstable. Supernatural cold from outside the Faraday cage draws off the heat. Pressure drops. Nimbus of white light appears around platform, turns into a vortex that blinks out in an instant, wrecking the mast. But Chesca, Leanne and Mikey have vanished. Oshan staggers back towards Mawsley.
  • Outside Blossom House the barrier destroys the row of houses across the road. Outrunning the barrier is a hideous creature [hereafter "The Blob"], a mass of hundreds of human bodies fused together, hundreds of legs and arms dragging its bulk along, as it moves a hundred voices scream out in pain. The taint has manifested as a sentient, physical entity, as Elsie warned. Battle stations!
    • Ken and Seru run for the Sentinel light panel, Matt and Freddy prepare to move Elsie.
    • In the confusion, Jarvis grabs Lucy and drags her out into the street, knife to her throat and demanding the red-haired man save him. Freddy chases, there's a scuffle.
    • Freddy and Jarvis are floored as the red-haired man appears out of thin air. Supernatural force is acts almost like g-force. Jarvis is nearest, his eyeballs haemorrhage, one bursts.
    • Lillian wheels out into the street, the Blob immediately lunges for her. It knocks her out of her chair, human arms reach out and grabs her legs, which start to burn and dissolve. Ken and Matt rush in, grabbing Lillian in a tug of war. They're burnt too. Freddy stabs and chops one of the Blob's arms with Jarvis's knife, cutting tendons and muscle, allowing Lillian to be pulled free.
    • Seru switches on the light panel, dousing the blob with 2 million lumens. Screaming, it rears backwards, falling onto Blossom House.
    • The Blob has Lucy and the red-haired man cornered in front of Blossom House. He leans in and whispers something to her, she shakes her head. The red-haired man nods solemnly, turns and walks into the blob. The Blob smothers him, but then bursts into black flame and explodes in a shower of gore. The red-haired man has vanished.
  • Explosions all around as barrier collapses inwards, the world becomes like a pressure cooker. A tree trunk explodes into existence inside the ambulance, shredding both. The survivors cower, passing out as the pressure builds.
  • Fevered dreams of being trapped in a whirlpool, sucked down into hell. Try to swim, struggle against the darkness. Find a light.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
  • Stoneyfields is the scene of a collision between suburban street and dense jungle. Stoneyfields is now surrounded by a wall of verdure. Freddy checks on Elsie, she has expired. A white deer appears before Ken and Bobby.
  • Ken and Bobby follow the white deer into the jungle, behind them Matt carries Lillian, Freddy and Lucy support Amy between them. Seru brings up the rear, keeping an eye on Jarvis. They reach a cliff overlooking a sweeping, riverine valley, carpeted with jungle and stretching off into the distance. On the horizon, mountains reaching up, disappearing into the sky. In the valley are several twisted tree stumps, taller and broad as tower blocks. The tallest is topped with a curtain walled castle, its rooves glinting like mirrors. Oshan meets them. The sun is rising.
Saturday, 19 September 2008
  • LHC at CERN, Switzerland. Deep underground, screams are heard, ectoplasm drips from the walls of a toroid detector. Three human bodies materialise from the inside out. Chesca, Leanne and Mikey have made it. They lie naked, frost-burnt, and shivering. An alarm sounds. Facility switches to auxiliary power. Airlock opens, students enter with thermal blankets. They're wide-eyed, awestruck. "You're safe." Says a professor.
Saturday, 4 July 2009
  • Chevron Nigeria Ltd, Abiteye Flow Station, Niger Delta. Chesca chats on the phone with Leanne. It's hot and humid, a small scientific team from ETH Zurich, funded by the Rosecrucians, is investigating geomantic predictions of another trans-planar event. Students are interviewing a girl the locals say is a prophet. One of the students is playing mp3s for her on a laptop. The girl chooses Paint It Black. "I remember this one."
  • Leanne and Mikey's flat, Zurich, Switzerland. Leanne hangs up after talking to Chesca. Warm, still day. Polish builders are working in the stairwell. Mikey returns with lunch, asks after Chesca and goes through to kitchen. Leanne glances to A/C controller on the wall across the room. It switches itself on.
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Joined: 20 Jul 2007, 20:04
Location: UK


Post by nemarsde »

Session 13 added. Session guide complete.
Spelling corrections on Session 13.