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Secrets of Sokol Keep

Posted: 23 Sep 2020, 08:16
by nemarsde
Who are IRN-CRN? How do you even pronounce their name? Is it "iron crown" or "iron-corn" like a unicorn... of iron?

The band is getting back together for a gig in Phlan, a troubled harbour town on the shores of the Moonsea.

For a town that was once home to the fabled Pool of Radiance, this year's High Festival of Spryndalstar might be lower budget than usual!

Brought to you by the Noble House of Sokol.

Playing at the High Festival, the one, the only...


The famous Waterdhavian arcane-rock band comes to the City of Phlan!

Taught the secrets of music by a Black Unicorn, buy your tickets now for a chance to be thunderwavedâ„¢!

It's a 1st-level D&D 5e adventure, using Secrets of Sokol Keep as the template but with an all-bard party played by Bigby, Gypsy, pchan, rossi720 and slill.

Getting the band back together

Posted: 27 Sep 2020, 19:49
by nemarsde
So far, the band consists of (in front of stage order):

Tamiri Whitestreak
Half-elf Bard (College of Lore)
Role: Classically-trained Waterdhavian musician and lyricist who finds herself fronting a rock band. Solo career beckons!

Beryllium Star
Earth Genasi Bard (College of Valor)
Role: Lead guitar, dazzling crystalline appearance, Chessantan royalty. Slumming it or genuine?

Galbadrakh the Fierce
Kobold Bard (College of Whispers)
Role: Backing vocals, dragonhead fiddle, Straight Outta Undermountain

Arien of Astrazalian
Winter Eladrin Bard (College of Glamour)
Role: Bass guitar, angst and Goth make-up

Swiftstride Shifter Bard (College of Swords)
Role: Drums, eye of the tiger, Rashemi drumsticks of fury

Burodar, aka "Brody the Roadie"
Dwarf Warrior
D&D Essentials Kit - Sidekicks
Role: Roadie, bouncer. Long-suffering

Managed by Mingus Enterprises.

NB: Flattened character sheets attached below

Session 1

Posted: 17 Oct 2020, 12:42
by nemarsde
IRN-CRN arrive by ship in Phlan and find the city mismanaged by the Lord Protector and rife with discontent. The High Festival is in jeopardy. Organised by Igan Sokol, contractors and acts have yet to be paid but he went missing two days ago, when the famous lighthouse on Thorn Island also went out. Without it, night traffic into and port has halted. Vendors and visitors arriving from around the Moonsea have created a log-jam in the harbour, angering the dockworkers.

Mingus the band's halfling manager explains that without Igan, the band can't be reimbursed for their travel expenses and have nowhere to stay. He arranges for them to play at The Laughing Goblin, then clears off to speak to the Lord Protector.

At the dockfront bar, Brody the Roadie sets up the stage and instruments, IRN-CRN mingle. They learn that Igan Sokol is a good guy, who was born and raised at the family manse on Thorn Island (Sokol Keep). The rest of the family have slowly pulled investment out of Phlan, but Igan believes in rejuventating the city and has financed the High Festival out of his own pocket.

The Lord Protector meanwhile is mostly absent and pays an outside mercenary company, the Black Fists, to maintain law and order. They treat the job like soldiers in hostile territory, and are distrusted by the locals. The Black Fist's have hardly investigated Igan's disappearance.

IRN-CRN also learn that Thorn Island was the site of a monastery before Sokol Keep, destroyed during the last Rage of Dragons about 100 years ago. It was the site of ruins before even that, and is believed to be haunted by many locals. There is also talk of buried treasure. Guard Sergeant Grim, commander of the Black Fist detachment on Thorn Island believed that if anyone could find the treasure it was Igan Sokol. Grim and his detachment went missing on the same night as Igan.

IRN-CRN play a formiddable set, converting many in the audience to fans. A brawl breaks out between dockworkers and some Black Fists, IRN-CRN get stuck in and KO the trouble-makers with fist and spell.*

The proprietor is glad not to have his tavern torn apart. IRN-CRN split up and visit House Sokol's warehouse and the Black Fist's blockhouse, all on the same street. Brody the Roadie stays behind to watch the kit.

The hard-working manager at the warehouse explains that letters have been sent to Igan's family but no reply as yet. If IRN-CRN want to investigate, House Sokol will cover the cost of the ferry to Thorn Island.

The Guard Sergeant at the blockhouse explains that he personally oversaw the investigation. He went to Thorn Island, poked around, confirmed that Igan and the Black Fist detachment were all missing and came straight back. He was afraid of the ghosts.

Without delay, IRN-CRN rouse the ferryman and catch a ride across to Thorn Island. Dusk. A storm is coming in off the Moonsea. Choppy waves, lightning and rain. But if they don't get paid, they can't get back to Waterdeep.

The band are met by what remains of Igan Sokol's household, three servants, husband and wife and their daughter, Rorin, who turns out to be an IRN-CRN groupie: Huge fan of Beryl and has called her cat Ssan-Savage after seeing the band play at The Golden Horn casino in Waterdeep.

Igan laid-off the rest of the household to help pay for the High Festival. IRN-CRN look around and with the aid of an unseen spirit, discover that the old monastery was dedicated to Tyr, God of Justice and that Igan was a follower.

Under the West Tower, Igan and the Black Fists had unearthed an entrance to a cave system. After figuring out how to unlock the magical door, they went inside two nights ago and have not returned.

IRN-CRN venture down, fighting off animated armour and the undead. In a large grotto they find a statue of the demon lord Dagon, Prince of the Depths, made from solid tomb jade and worth thousands in gp. Igan wanted to leave it but Grim was overcome with greed and murdered him. This fresh spilt blood awoke the cave's guardians and Grim and the Black Fists holed up in a dead-end, eventually running out of light and were trapped.

Although Igan's corpse had turned into a zombie, he finds peace after the band put him down a second time.

IRN-CRN arrest Grim, lead him and the other Black Fists to the surface.

Atop the lighthouse they see Igan's ghost, standing alongside the ghost of a priestess of Tyr. She reignites the beacon.

Sometime later, IRN-CRN headline the Igan Sokol Memorial Concert in the grounds of Sokol Keep, watched by crowds of boats in the harbour. Mingus explains that he hasn't recovered their moneys but the band don't tell him about the tomb jade.

With a thunderwave, IRN-CRN take the stage and rock the city.

*"With Fist and Spell" Name of their new album?

Session 2?

Posted: 06 Nov 2020, 10:42
by nemarsde
A second session was neither planned or played, but afterwards we did ponder over IRN-CRN's further adventures. I had the notion of running through the official module Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.

Mingus the Manager, having arranged for IRN-CRN to play at the The Yawning Portal in Waterdeep, for the famous travel writer Volo Geddarm's latest book launch.