FS4 INFO: In the News

From the mean streets of Night City to the mountains of Mars, a tabletop RPG campaign teetering on the brink of the Fourth Corporate War. Cyberpunk (R. Talsorian Games)

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FS4 INFO: In the News

Post by nemarsde »

The following information is readily available from dataterms.
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Post by nemarsde »

News of the opening stages of the Fourth Corporate War, the Shadow War and the Ocean War.

Megacorps Mass for War
News headlines with Lyle McClellan and Kristi Andrews, Network News 54, Saturday 27 Feb, 2021

As the sun rises over the tops of Night City's tallest scrapers this morning, the megacorps are facing a new landscape for the first time in over a decade.

Not since the Second Corporate War in 2007 has the city seen this scale of conflict, which experts say is still likely to escalate, as Arasaka Corp comes to terms with the death of its figurehead president Saburo Arasaka in what can only be described as a savage bloodletting with massive firepower.

Arasaka Tower has been the scene of several firefights throughout the night, but elsewhere in the city a wave of violence has been unleashed. Reports suggest the corporate daimyos vying for power have created lesser power vacuums within the sprawling maze of Arasaka, with Yakuza bosses seeking gain a coveted foothold in the corp, and street gangs then moving in on the Yakuza.

Elsewhere, with Arasaka security forces effectively paralysed by the disruption in the upper echelons, many cultie gangs have taken the chance to wreak havoc on Arasaka-controlled corp zones and finally get revenge for the Arasaka-led massacres of 2009. Some zones have been besieged overnight, unable to get reinforcements, and early reports indicate culties have overrun several zones with ruthless rippergangs in their wake.

Meanwhile Net54's exclusive on the Chinese involvement in Saburo Arasaka's assassination sparked a running battle between the Communist Red Chrome Legion and the Iron Sights boostergangs.

As the dust and splattered remains settle, it now looks like Arasaka Corp has come under the reign of the daimyo of Sato Commercial Shipping after it acquired the International Defence Alliance overnight from R. Maximilian's I-CORP, giving Sato easily the most formidable army of any of the corporate daimyos, with no-one having overarching control of Arasaka's own forces.

But even as Arasaka recovers from its most devastating losses ever, the spectre of war looms ever larger in the Far East. Details are sketchy and the megacorps aren't commenting, but Net54 sats have detected a significant military build-up south of Honshu in the Philippine Sea. Sources tell us that Arasaka and the Eurocorps are in a stand-off over two lost vessels that may have collided somewhere close to, if not in, the Izu-Bonin Trench on Wednesday. Reports are now coming in that the Sovs have naval forces enroute to the hot spot as we speak, expected to reinforce their Euro allies. The Sino-American CCMMC have reacted nervously to the build-up, deploying their fleet in a sweeping cordon around the east of the Taiwan Strait, and in doing so triggered a state of red alert on Arasaka-backed Taiwan.

We'll have the latest news on that story as it breaks, but it's now thought that we could be witnessing the build-up to a Fourth Corporate War that has been a long time coming. This special report from Net54 correspondent, Katja Reinhart:

Fires burn in Arasaka Tower, but its not just Night City in turmoil this morning. All along the Pacific Rim cities and corporate enclaves have been rent asunder by Saburo Arasaka's death and the ensuing chaos.

Although infighting has been the cause of much of violence, at the root of it is an assassination plot that could lead all the way back to CITIC, possibly even Militech.

Net54 has uncovered startling evidence that the assassination plot was overseen by Chinese gang boss, Jian Chen, aka Jin Wei, an underworld figure in Night City and Neo-HK whose business dealings have been cloaked in secrecy.

Jin Wei is known to be a high-ranking member of the Neo-Hong Kong snakehead gang under Xiang-Shan Zhou, with a long standing feud with the Ling Triad. It's thought that Jin Wei may have undertaken the assassination of Saburo Arasaka as a way of regaining face with the Triad he had fallen out of favour with.

From what Net54 has uncovered, we now know Jin Wei had been heavily involved in biotech research, gruesome research which included the experimentation on live children, but yielded massive rewards on the black market as his atraumatic enhancement drugs found buyers in America.

If there could be a darker side to this research, it was the development of a genetically engineered bioplague, almost impossible to detect, that would later be used to assassinate the world's most powerful man. The story of how this bioplague got to Saburo Arasaka is no less remarkable, as it seems Jin Wei was responsible for last year's kidnapping of Chida-Ichi Ikeda Daichi Arasaka, ChIIDA, now known to be a clone of Arasaka's late wife, Hana Arasaka.

Jin Wei was able to infect ChIIDA with the virus without her knowledge, sealing the doom of Saburo Arasaka.

Exclusive footage obtained by Net54 shows Jin Wei and his clique of trusted cohorts with ChIIDA, as well as Jin Wei inspecting his offshore biotech research facility in Neo-HK and can be viewed on ractive. I can tell you we're hoping to acquire more footage as it comes on the market, but questions are raised by all this.

With the Militech/CITIC joint venture CCMMC still in its infancy, the Chinese have been keen to avoid confrontation with Arasaka. But it is common knowledge that CITIC have been harbouring a grudge against Arasaka for its strong support of Taiwan. Even now, neither Militech or CITIC would comment on the news, accept to honour the late Saburo Arasaka and offer their condolences. A statement by CCMMC did say they consider this a developing situation.

Saburo Arasaka was said to be furious, apoplectic say some, at the formation of CCMMC, seeing it as a slap in the face. Saburo Arasaka has long been a hardline Japanese nationalist, ever since his membership in the Black Dragon Society during WW2, from which the Arasaka logo is derived. With rumours of CITIC seeking a joint venture with Petrochem, the rise of Sino-American power in the Far East looked certain.

Many see this assassination as a key strategy in this rise, but some experts disagree, saying that Militech and CITIC currently have too much invested in the joint venture and couldn't possibly fight a war with the fragility of their forces. But with Arasaka also fragile after the demise of Saburo Arasaka, there has never been a better time to strike at the hated and feared corporation and its zaibatsu.

Either way, the megacorps will still need a legal basis to launch any military action, and if a connection can be found between Jin Wei, CCMMC and the death of Saburo Arasaka, it could be used by both sides as a catalyst for a hot war.

There can be little doubt the witch-hunt has begun in Night City for Jin Wei and his clique, as Bensen Corp leads the way by offering a brand new, delimited black opal Cascade AV-7 as a bounty on Jin Wei's head, while it's said several Yakuza clans have taken out high priced contracts on him. But Jin Wei is likely to be hunted from two directions, and Militech sell-off, Security Services Inc, has already started investigating Jin Wei's activities for an anonymous client, presumably Militech.

City authorities have been less eager. Mayor Mbole Ebunike outside Night City Hall earlier:

"As far as we are aware no crime has been committed by this Jian Chen in Night City. The City will act if he does, or on a warrant issued by Interpol, but the City will not act on the report of one media channel. Maybe two."

This is Katja Reinhart in Night City, for Network News 54.

In other news, Papa Manuel's split with uber-model wife, Gaboriau, took an unexpected turn this morning. Papa Manuel's famed orbital crystal buttocks have become the latest of his assets to come up for grabs in the dispute. Gaboriau's lawyers argue that Papa's buttocks, crafted by Wyzard and insured for over 10 million eurobucks should be considered in the settlement. If there proves to be a legitimate crack in Papa's defence, Gaboriau would be entitled to half his ass.

Faced with what many are already calling a half-assed attempt Papa Manuel held a news con in Miami this morning and had this say:

"That poodle-loving freak can kiss my ass goodbye. These cheeks are miiine as they is fiiine!"

Isn't it against the law to grab someone else's ass?

Heh, not if you're married to them, Lyle. Dondre Whitfield will be here at 8 with her Namura Namsei interview. One of Night City's most feared Yakuza oyabun talks with Dondre about the dark future in Pacifica.

And join us again at 9 on Network News 54, your maximum information channel.

Jin Wei in Combat Zone Chaos
By Angie Wu, for The Tab screamsheet
March 1, 2021

Jin Wei is right here in Night City and still putting the hurt on Arasaka.

Word has it that Jin Wei fought his way out of a Yakuza ambush at a club in the Combat Zone yesterday, taking on soldiers from three clans before fleeing from the Iron Sights combat gang, in a brutal fight that ended with 33 dead Yakuza.

NCPD C-SWAT teams have sealed off the Apocalypse Club and surrounding block, deploying Grasshoppers and armoured vehicles to enforce the cordon. Aerocop AVs have been patrolling the skies over the neighbourhood, searching for signs of the now infamous Jin Wei and his cohorts.

It's unclear whether these cohorts are part of Jin Wei's Neo-Hong Kong snakehead gang, or are actually a clique of trusted edgerunners as reported by Net54. It's also unclear whether they were with Jin Wei at the time of the ambush.

However, NCPD vid, recorded at the scene and leaked to Infocomp overnight does show the inside of the club has been wracked by fire from high tech automatic weapons, according to Infocomp the same weapons they linked to the gun battle at the City Medical Centre. This may suggest Jin Wei was not caught alone in the ambush.

The Night City Today is reporting that the Eurosolo known only as Entropy may be working with Jin Wei. Entropy last hit the screamsheet headlines in 2020 when he was seen with Night City street ronin, Rogue, at the Rainbow Nights. Evidence currently points to Entropy being involved in the killings of several Yakuza oyabuns in Night City and the ChIIDA kidnapping. If true it would almost certainly place Entropy as Jin Wei's personal bodyguard and henchman.

Although the media corps have been fenziedly trying to outscoop each other, it was Infocomp that was first on the scene in the latest development of the Jin Wei story. Last night Arasaka Security forces stormed what now appears to be Jin Wei's secret underground base in the Combat Zone. Although neither Jin Wei nor any of his cohorts were captured, the City Gazette is reporting the base was part of a network for smuggling atraumatic enhancement drugs from Neo-HK. This lends credence to the stories of Jin Wei masterminding the exploitation and deaths of thousands of children in Asia, stories now being carried by most media chains.

Today the underground base has been the scene of massive activity as Arasaka attempt to analyse the base while keeping away the spy cameras of the media and rival megacorps. After gunfights broke out between Arasaka solos and local boostergangs, a C-SWAT team arrived from the nearby Apocalypse Club to reinforce Arasaka.

With all this attention, many are wondering how long Jin Wei can stay alive, if he isn't dead already. So far the hunt has shown no sign of stopping or even slowing down, fuelled by the assassination of one of the world's most powerful men.

DMS are running an unlikely story sourced from Solo of Fortune, claiming two Eurosolos, Gunter Berlin and Lorenzo Damarith have come to Night City on contracts to kill Jin Wei. SOF reports Berlin may be working for the Egyptian blackmarketeer, Suleiman the Ghoul. According to the ECWorldService, Jin Wei attacked and robbed the Ghoul at his New Year's Party, the same party at which Berlin's twin brother was killed in a duel. Damarith has history working in Naf and the Mideast, but whether he's also working for the Ghoul or perhaps another Arab employer can only be guessed at.

Even though Gunter Berlin was detained by police at Night City International for questioning, Damarith is already in the city and has been spotted in the Combat Zone.

Where ever he is, Jin Wei has now lost his hideout and it can't be long until his death and decent into media obscurity. Until then, many of the city's poor, the people on the streets are finding it hard to hate the man blamed for the killing of Saburo Arasaka.

But many are also starting to think of the consequences. Was Jin Wei really working for a megacorp? The Militech/CITIC conglomerate, CCMMC? Saburo Arasaka was a monster, extorting international business and global politics, but did he ever run death camps that butchered children for profit? And what about Saburo Arasaka's successor? How will this Amerasian, Atsumichi Sato differ from his predecessor?

For now, we serve up the news, you pick up the Tab.

PacRim Climbdown for Euro-Sovs, Cyber-Terrorism to Blame
ECWorldService News with Renyard DuPont, EuroMedia, Wednesday 3 March, 2021

With the Euro-Sov allies encircling the wreck site in the Izu-Bonin Trench, it was expected that Arasaka and the IDA would back down to avoid a opening a second front in their shadow war against Militech and CITIC.

However, this morning Commissioner of Technology, Dr. Maria Cavero, announced that the ESA submersible launch platform Oasis had been sunk by neo-anarchists in what is already being described as an act of cyber-terrorism.

The ESA has co-operated with Interpol and the EDF in an investigation of the wreckage, and we can now confirm Oasis did not collide with the Arasaka cargo sub, Usagi.

Evidence from Oasis's datafortress suggests it had been cracked by a blackmarket software programme. Interpol has shared this code with Netwatch, and together they have traced the design to the Korean netrunner, the Backdoor Bandit.

According to our information, the Backdoor Bandit has been working with a neo-anarchist terrorist organisation called the Wild Boys, and together they were able to take control of Oasis and scuttle it.

The ESA has already contacted Arasaka and their investigations have yielded much the same result. We expect Arasaka to announce the Wild Boys were behind the sinking of Usagi and a possible third vessel, the Sentinel, belonging to the International Defence Alliance.

The EDF have now recovered the wreckage of Oasis and are returning to SovOil's base in the New Phillipines where it will await transport back to the EC.

Netwatch already have a reward of 1 million eb slated for information leading to the capture of the Backdoor Bandit. Interpol's Director-General of Netcrime Prevention, Monique Barrot has long been criticised for her lax approach to illegal netrunning, as she has remained adamant that the EuroTheatre must cultivate the special abilities and skills needed for illegal netrunning if Interpol is to recruit the best.

The sinking of Oasis is sure to galvanise the Commission, but whether they will insist on even more stringent policing of EuroTheatre, or take Director-General Barrot's approach further, is not yet clear.

However, because the attack occured in Wilderspace, Interpol is unlikely to face any questions on whether it could have prevented the attack. The ESA may not be so fortunate, and Germany is sure to use this attack to push its reform, intended to bring the ESA more directly under Government control.

ECWorldService extends its sympathies to the bereaved families and loved ones of the crew of Oasis, and encourages viewers to think what they can do to help bring these neo-anarchists and other terrorist organisations to justice.
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Post by nemarsde »

Naval Battle as War Edges Closer

Evening news with Lyle McClellan and Kristi Andrews, Network News 54, Sunday 7 March, 2021

A ferocious naval battle in Neo-HK last night proved that it had all been too easy for the stand-off in the Far East to be broken, as CCMMC and Arasaka finally traded gunfire.

Gunfire and smart missiles, Lyle. CCMMC security forces have been scouring the Neo-HK underworld since the death of Saburo Arasaka was blamed on Jian Chen, aka Jin Wei, a notorious Chinese gangster.

Yesterday news broke that CCMMC had finally discovered Jin Wei's ship, a huge Cetaen-class cargo ship named Alice, achored along with tens of thousands of others in Aberdeen Harbour. CITIC were seen to be strictly controlling the area around the ship, until in an unexpected move, Militech War Hawks stormed the ship at 21:00 local time, amid a hail of bullets, presumably part of a CCMMC joint op.

After encountering fierce resistance from gangsters armed with automatic weapons, the cyber-commandos sealed off the lower decks and flooded them with a nausea gas. Militech were quick to point out that far from the assault being stalled by the gangsters, the War Hawks were simply ensuring they could take prisoners for questioning.

Speculation was rife as the cyber-commandos secured the lower decks, with reports that Jin Wei might be onboard and that the hold was crammed with hundreds of children, while Militech and CITIC refused to comment on whether Jin Wei was among the captured or killed.

The prisoners had not yet been transfered off the ship when more gunfire apparently errupted from below decks, followed by a massive explosion as the War Hawks' osprey was struck by a smart missile in what may transpire to be the opening shot of the Fourth Corporate War. Net54 correspondent, Kevin Shinkoda sends us this special report:

Having salvaged the wreck of their launch platform, the Euro-Sov fleet was making for the New Phillipines, watched by both CCMMC and Arasaka, in a temporary truce until the Euro-Sov fleet dispersed.

Meanwhile, unknown to either side, a single stealth sub was using this as a diversion as it slipped through the murky depths of the South China Sea, ever closer to Neo-Hong Kong.

Sometime later in Aberdeen Harbour and the stealth sub was moored under the hull of the Alice while Militech War Hawks were handing over control of the ship to CITIC. The solo team it carried, debarked and used laser cutters to breach the hull just above the waterline.

Having infiltrated the ship, they began a systematic sweep of the lower decks and made it as far as their first bulkhead before they were discovered by CITIC forces.

The instant the first shot was fired, a massive Net attack hit the Neo-HK citygrid, tripping alarms in almost every datafortress on the grid, even at Net54. News of the attack caused widespread panic across the Pacifica net region, while CITIC recalled the Militech War Hawks to help deal with the solo team on the Alice, the solo team that was annihilating their forces in the dark confines below decks.

Net54 and every media corp in the world must have been on the scene and recorded what will surely become the iconic footage of the smart missile breaking the surface of the bay and the War Hawks' osprey transport vapourising in a midair fireball.

If there were any doubts that war had been averted, they ended at that moment.

CITIC patrol boats attempted to flush out the sub, but were unable to target it and after losing three boats, CITIC pulled back, stranding its forces on the Alice. In an astonishing turn of events, Arasaka Security spokesperson, Zen Rikudo made the following statement to the media:

"At 22:58, Arasaka Security teams boarded the Alice, moored in Neo-Hong Kong Aberdeen Harbour, from a Shirakawa stealth sub. These solo teams were tasked with capturing the gangster, Jin Wei. Unfortunately, because of Arasaka Corporation's agreement with Taiwan, and China's position on Taiwan, we were unable to procede along diplomatic lines.

"During their sweep of the Alice, Arasaka Security solos were engaged by CITIC forces and returned fire. When Militech answered a request by CITIC for support, Arasaka Security had no choice but to destroy a Militech osprey using sub-based weapons.

"Arasaka regrets the loss of life, but is very satisfied with the results of this action, and reminds CCMMC that by failing to acknowledge Taiwan's independence, China only creates a grey area in international law, a grey area that makes such situations as these both unavoidable and perfectly legitimate.

"We encourage CCMMC to reliquish any perceived ownership of the Alice and strongly suggest they stand down their forces. The smart missile battlecruiser, Muramasa is enroute to Neo-HK to escort the Alice back to Taiwan. It will fire on any vessel or craft that attempts to intervene.

"We would like to emphasis that Arasaka Corporation does not get involved in large, wasteful conflicts. Parties seeking to oppose Arasaka with unlawful violence should be aware that we will not target the armies of noble warriors, but the warlords that command them. Arasaka will strike with precision and malice."

Chairman Jiang of CITIC responded by launching an airstrike on Aberdeen Harbour that blew the Arasaka stealth sub and the Alice out of the water, as well as an Infocomp gyro and countless houseboats. Within moments survivors were surfacing and with them the bodies of hundreds of Chinese children. The newsfeeds have shocked the Pacfica region and after all this death and destruction, it's still not known whether Jin Wei was aboard the Alice.

Militech and CITIC are due to make separate statements later today, but neither are likely to apologise or make excuses. With the Arasaka Security battlecruiser, Muramasa, holding off from the CCMMC cordon around the Taiwan Strait, the next 48 hours may be the calm before the storm.

Kevin Shinkoda, Neo-Hong Kong Aberdeen Harbour, Network News 54.

Of course, Net54 will bring you live newsfeed of those media cons as they happen. Phew! And I thought I was having trouble with megacorps!

Rival media corps still after you, are they, Lyle?

Actually I was thinking of Net54's sexual harrassment policy. Did I say how nice you look today?

Heh, you just did. The turmoil in Neo-HK is mirrored in cyberspace, with the Neo-HK citygrid only just recovering from the earlier attacks. Net54 correspondent, Alfred Haskins reports live from the Tokyo citygrid:

Netwatch reckon hundreds of netrunners took part in the attacks on the HK city grid, and that takes some planning. So far the word on the information superhighway is that the Black Dragons were responsible for the attacks. The Black Dragons are a high tech Japanese dojin gang, famous for their Arasaka fandom. As a gang they're less trouble for the police than the boryokudan gangs, but Netwatch disagrees.

A boryokudan gang might rape you, cut your hands off and steal your money, but dojin gangs cause havoc on the Net, trapping unprotected users online with anti-personnel progs or invading datafortresses and holding them for ransom. In a world where cyberhands retail at 750eb a piece and chipware can block those bad memories, isn't getting brainburned or your data files erased far worse?

And the Black Dragons are a gang that idolise Arasaka Corporation, making them perhaps the most dangerous of Japan's dojin gangs. No link has ever been proven between Arasaka and the Black Dragons, but the corporation has always encouraged the Black Dragons. Americans might think posergangs are just a stupid side-effect of the post-apocalypse, but out here, the birthplace of the posergang, they're hardwired, jacked in and street lethal.

The Black Dragons could be behind these attacks, and Netwatch aren't denying it, but the question is, who's behind the Black Dragons? How did they know to support Arasaka Security's solo team when they did? The easy answer is Arasaka told them to, but there's a small chance Arasaka Security could have a leak...

Have to interupt you there, Al. Militech have just started their media con at their Night City node. The subgrid's obviously loaded, but as always, Net54 have the throughput.

We now go live to Militech. Militech Major General Ensleigh speaking.

...Militech now considers the situation in HK a moot point. We fully support the CCMMC, however, we are not involved in decision-making at CITIC or in the Chinese Government. Militech has a commitment through CCMMC, it has been legally contracted to undertake defence and security work. Militech will get the job done.

I can tell you reps from Arasaka, Militech, CITIC and CCMMC are consulting with Merrill Asukaga & Finch to determine the legality of events in Aberdeen Harbour.

In the meantime, Arasaka can threaten us and anyone else. It changes nothing. Militech will defend its own and its clients, by law. In gridiron we have a saying, "the best defence is a good offence". Arasaka should not give us a reason to defend ourselves.

Lawlessness Deepens Crisis
By Jeff O'Brian for the BBC
Wednesday 10 March, 2021

Overnight in the PacRim, media sats have continued to record huge underwater explosions at sea, thought to be submarine battles between Militech, CITIC, CCMMC on one side, and Arasaka Security and IDA on the other. Yet neither side is admitting to being involved in any conflict, Arasaka's battlecruiser Muramasa has held its position opposite the CCMMC cordon. All the action is taking place beneath the waves. In Neo-HK and Taiwan the tension is palpable, the excitement racheted up with every breaking news story, everyone desperate for fresh information.

Will the media corps know if the war goes hot before the grunts on the ground? It seems likely, as the Militech and Arasaka will attempt to keep their battle plans secret until the last nanosecond to gain the initiative. So for now the megacorps are content to keep their war private, until they can put it on a legal footing at least. This ocean war ends the long shadow war between Militech and Arasaka and will certainly drag more of the megacorps into it.

International business has been urging Merrill Asukaga & Finch to shove their final report out the door. The draft leaked yesterday already runs into a monumental 1303 pages, including appendices, so even when the final report is released it will still be days before the megacorps can decide how best to act on the report's conclusions. A statement on Merrill Asukaga & Finch's node said earlier:

"The fundamental lawlessness of any military action in a region contested between two nation states creates a legal maze that is best avoided. In such cases Merrill Asukaga & Finch finds that any law may be subjective, thus unenforceable except through competition."

In the meantime, both sides continue to manoeuvre. There have been spates of surveillance complaints across the First World, and already several savage attacks on corporate execs in Luxembourg and Greece suggest the EC won't avoid the coming violence. In light of this Commissioner of the Interior and Interpol's head, Francois Rigotard, repeated his warning that Interpol would take pre-emptive action to curtail an onslaught of violence. Rumour has it they're already refurbing the cells for any of their more wealthy guests, and some EuroElites may even opt for detention rather than risk it on the outside.

While the lack of legal accords between China and Taiwan fuels the conflict between Militech and Arasaka, Interpol's Directorate of Internal Security and Counter-Intelligence has announced a task force to investigate the disappearance of Director-General Sir Magnus Caine. Many dread that his disappearance might mean either Militech or Arasaka are planning to derail or steer Interpol from within.

Taskforce Secutor will be commanded by Major Raul Weiner, and his first job will be to unlock Sir Magnus Caine's personal data files. According to WNS, even Commissioner Rigotard was unable to unlock the files and netrunners at ECIC are saying they may require a higher level of access.

The only level of access higher than the Commissioner of the Interior's is likely to be that of the Commercial Intelligence Service's head. How and why this was done will undoubtedly lead to a shake-up within Interpol before the files are even opened.
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Post by nemarsde »

News of the latter stages of the Fourth Corporate War, the Hot War.

War Reaches Night City
By Genein M'botha, for Solo of Fortune
Sunday 14 March, 2021

Until this morning, the world looked on with excitement as the Fourth Corporate War blossomed from the assassination of Saburo Arasaka. The media corps were as frustrated as their audiences when it seemed the big boys on the corporate block were going to keep this one all to themselves, out of sight and undersea. But war was coming fast, there'd be more than a quick eurobuck to be made and lives to sold cheaply. Sinking battleships and sending subs to the bottom wasn't going to be enough for Militech and Arasaka.

Unlike past Corporate Wars, this one isn't about resources, it's about face, rep. It's about revenge. This isn't a war over space travel, Net grids, or oil, this is a war over global dominance. It's been a long time coming.

When two armies get so big there's no-one else left to fight but each other, that's what they've got to do. Sooner or later. The Cold War between Militech and Arasaka couldn't last forever, this wasn't some struggle of political ideologies. This was business, and for these megacorps if the cyber-mercs weren't dying, the gunships flying or the smart guns firing, it was bad for business.

Jin Wei may have pushed the execs in the boardrooms into the arena, but ultimately there's nothing that upsets shareholders more than a slump in profits and a kick in their dividend.

Cyber-mercs around the world knew it was only a matter of time before the war spilled over onto the streets.

At 01:41 local time, it did. Night City was shaken by a 1 kiloton blast in the South City area. Eight hours later, everyone in the world has seen the feeds of the mushroom cloud, all that's left of Arasaka Security's combined ops base in Night City.

It all started during the night when Militech's head honchos came under attack by corporate ninjas linked to Arasaka. Neither Arasaka or Militech have released any details, but there are newsfeeds of attacks at Militech offices around the world, including DC headquarters. Militech Major General Ensleigh was reportedly assassinated aboard his corporate jet during takeoff at Night City International, and Militech President Lundee has postponed his EC tour until further notice.

Arasaka's Tokyo headquarters were quick to dump responsibility for the attacks onto the head of Arasaka Security based in Night City, who allegedly ordered the attacks without authorisation from HQ.

The head of Arasaka Security has traditionally abandoned his family name to represent his devotion to the zaibatsu. Until recently, this had been "Toshiro", but after he was killed during the assault on Jin Wei's underground hideout, the spot was filled by "Rensaburo", presumably Rensaburo Ryusaki.

Rensaburo was on the board of directors at AsiaBank Pacifica, where he was rumoured to have been involved several corporate scandals, including the assassination of Yakuza boss, Eddy Kigaro, and Chojiro Nuimon-Bensen of Bensen Corporation. It's not impossible that Rensaburo Ryusaki is now attempting a hostile takeover of Arasaka.

But why attack Militech? Attacking Arasaka would be considered dishonourable by the rest of the zaibatsu and not easily forgiven, whereas attacking by Militech Rensaburo could be showing the kind of kamikaze spirit that gets respect in the PacRim. So far Atsumichi Sato hasn't been able to throw off the public perception of being a temporary replacement for Saburo; he's Amerasian, too young and too slick to be president of the megacorp. Rensaburo is older, Japanese, bloodthirsty, and head of Arasaka Security. If he can survive this war, Resaburo could find himself flying back to Tokyo victorious.

After Tokyo's statement about Rensaburo, Militech notably stated it would be responding to "Arasaka Security" (not Arasaka Corporation) in self-defence and warned the Night City PD to stand down while it protected its franchises across the city.

Militech MT-4 battle tanks, Behemoth APCs and a battalion of about 800 Militech troops moved in on Arasaka Tower at midnight, supported by AV-6 and AVX-9C Viper aerodynes. The tanks formed firing lines about 1 click from the tower's outer access tunnels, while troops rushed the defences behind the cover of the Behemoths. The number of troops armed with Militech LaserCannons suggested they planned on capturing floors inside the tower, using the tower's own power to recharge their weapons instead of needing resupply from outside.

Arasaka Security has few combat troops, the Boys in Black rely more on solo teams utilised as a rapid reaction force. In terms of manpower, Arasaka Security has always been outgunned by Militech, but has always had the edge on intel and covert warfare.

Neither of these things could help them last night, and they had to fall back on Arasaka Tower's remote defences. The tower's 75mm electro-thermal enhanced cannons have a max range of about 1.5km and cover the approaches, and were trading fire with the MT-4s as the troops advanced. Air space around the tower is covered by 30mm electro-thermal enhanced Gatlings and smart missiles. Making it inside, troops would still have to tackle the tower's laser defence system, and Arasaka Security would likely make use of man-portable automated defences too, such as their 7.62mm WXA sentry gun and Nauseators.

In a clever sleight of hand, Militech used their RPV-400 remote rotorcraft to draw fire away from the assault force, combat troops breached the outer access tunnels and AV-6s were able to land troops on the roof.

About 30 mins in, the ground assault was hit by a barrage from the rear. Arasaka had deployed its latest weapon, the Daioni superheavy remote ACPA unit. These became the spearhead of a counter-attack, focused on the MT-4 battle tanks. Unable to track the fast moving Daioni's, Militech had to pull its aerodynes from the roof. At the same time, Arasaka pumped the access tunnels full of Biotoxin II gas. Because of the air pressure underground, the gas hung in the tunnels -- Arasaka private property -- meaning use of the gas may not be unlawful. The corporation will likely face stern questions from the City Authorities, however, and maybe a fine.

By now Central Plaza looked like a Third World DMZ; gunfire, explosions, with an NCPD cordon at every intersection.

Elsewhere in Night City, medias were reporting Arasaka solo teams were racing to South City from the Combat Zone. Combat-10 APCs and black Kuma trucks on the streets, while outside Jin Wei's underground base Arasaka Standard-B heavy ACPA units were seen boarding an SM-Dragon helo. They were responding to power in the South City subgrid being offlined. Arasaka Security's combined ops base was located in South City, protected only by light Type-17K ACPA patrol units and Riot-8 APCs, corporate guards more used to fighting dreggies and boostergangs than an all-out war.

What we know is that Netwatch detected an attack on the South City subgrid and Arasaka were alerted. Militech cyber-commandos with support from heavy ACPA units touched down three blocks from Arasaka Security. AVD remote fast attack aerodynes started slamming missiles into the base's fortifications at 00:28.

Arasaka Tower was able to launch AV-8 assault aerodynes and directed them to South City, chased by Militech AVX-9C Vipers. The dogfighting brought down the flaming wreckage of a Net54 Advertblimp and grounded all air traffic.

NCPD scanners were now reporting mobs of gangs overrunning the South City distribution centres, C-SWAT teams were being redirected to cut them off. Two of the city's toughest boostergangs, the Red Chrome Legion and the Blood Razors, powered up their punknaughts for an all-night smash n' grab, and local businesses were shocked as Arasaka Security and Militech guards were called away by HQ, leaving them unprotected. Militech had signed a late deal with SSI, and SSI had started shipping out corporate guards to Militech clients when the assault on Arasaka Tower began, while some Arasaka Security clients found themselves protected by Japanese combat gangs and Yakuza.

No-one really knows what happened at 01:41. The Arasaka Security combined ops base certainly contained tonnes of ordnance, including high explosives such as Panclastic-5, and fuels from CHOOH2 to JP8. How this was detonated is open to debate. Was it somehow hit in the crossfire and detonated, causing a ripple of explosions? Did the Militech cyber-commandos rig it and detonate it? Did Arasaka Security, to prevent it falling into Militech's hands?

It's thought over 6000 people were killed instantly. The elevation of the base may have added to the devastation caused by the blast, which flattened buildings over 500m away and wrecked skyways nearly 2km away.

The City Authorities are now dealing with the aftermath, Trauma Team and REO-Meatwagon have announced they're closing all new accounts, and cancelling those less than 3 months old, refunding customers. The City Medical Centre has shut its doors, the Crisis Medical Centre has raised its prices. The streets of the Combat Zone are emptying as South City is overrun by low-lifes.

Central Plaza is still cordoned off by NCPD and Militech forces have been reinforcing over night. Militech ATF-37B Thunderhawk jets are patrolling Night City airspace in the north, expecting Arasaka reinforcements from Seattle.

Arasaka Tower stands under siege. Without air support the Militech assault team on the roof was captured, but even though the roof and hangar bays are clear, Militech will most likely have them covered by anti-aircraft weapons.

Arasaka Security shouldn't be under-estimated though. The Boys in Black's next move will be trademark Arasaka, a decapitating or crippling strike where Militech's most vulnerable.

The sheer violence of the conflict seems to have shocked all the megacorps into silence, even Arasaka and Militech. The Fourth Corporate War has gone passed making statements now, corp execs will be locking down on red alert.

The breaking news in the EC and PacRim will all be creating waves that will continue to threaten Night City, as more megacorps are dragged into the war and the sides get more desperate.

The city lost 6000 lives to the war last night, but in a population of 36 million the carnage could grow until it's being counted in megadeaths.

Africa's never looked so appealing.